Jane Zhang charming coach in TV show Sound of My Dream 2.

In the past season of the TV show “Sound of My Dream” (梦想的声音) broadcasted by Zhejiang TV we saw Jane Zhang as a mysterious coach. During the 12th episode, Jane makes his entry onto the stage, amongst the amazement of the other coaches and excitement of the audience, to sing “Dream It Possible“, the official song of the Huawei brand whose Chinese version she is also text-writer. Here’s the video:

This is his way of interpreting, in the final episode of the show, like no other could have done, the theme of the show: music and dreams. Finally to celebrate a perfect finale of the first season of the lucky television program she introduces in the music contest his single “Celebrate” re-arranged for the occasion in a special jazz version.

The new season

After broadcasting the program, the Zhejiang TV channel is flooded on its web channels by messages asking for Jane Zhang to participate in the second season of the format. Well, when the TV audience asks for … the audience gets: in the second season of the show, Jane will be one of the coaches.

Yesterday, October 24, Zhejiang TV published the first set of advertising posters depicting Jane in a short dress full-metal sequins, colored hair and pretty legs to show for it.

Today, October 25, a small 30-second trailer was released that made a whirlwind tour on the web (the video at the beginning of the article).

Initial reports are that Jane, in the first episode, will sing a classic Chinese song by adding the sounds of a ocarina. In the trailer, which lasts only 30 seconds, you can tell from the reaction of other coaches that Jane’s performance is extraordinary, to the point that JJ Lin (林俊傑), “co-worker” of Dolphin Princess, and veteran of this show, pronounces three times the sentence “too good!“.

We remind you that for the requirement of this mega-production it’s not a live show. These days, the taping of show are in progress (the first episode was recorded on October 6, 2017) and Jane jumps from Beijing to Shangyu (上虞) in Zhejiang Province.

Public curiosity is high and we’ll find out everything in the first episode of “Sound of My Dream 2” that will be aired on Friday, October 27, on the Zhejiang TV satellite station at 21:00 local time in Beijing.

First season playlist

For those who want to get an idea of ​​the show this is the playlist of the first season from the official Youtube channel of Zhejiang TV.

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