Jane Zhang Meet the World
Jane Zhang “Meet The World” The new song “Meet The World” (相约世界) composed in occasion of the Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening up of China is released.
Jane Zhang “Meet The World” The new song “Meet The World” (相约世界) composed in occasion of the Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening up of China is released.
Jane Zhang in North Korea [read Italian version] In these days Jane Zhang is member of the Chinese delegation of literary and artists that visits North Korea. The delegation was specially chosen and dispatched by the Chinese party and government at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea […]
Jane Zhang in Corea del Nord [read English version] In questi giorni Jane Zhang fa parte della delegazione cinese di letterati e artisti che visitano la Corea del Nord. Il gruppo è stato espressamente selezionato dal partito e dal governo cinese su invito del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica Popolare Democratica di Corea.
Jane Zhang introduces Love Under The Stars, the musical Jane Zhang presenta “Love Under The Stars” (愛在星光里) un musical originale del produttore ed amico Chen Shaoqi. Il musical sarà a Shanghai, al Majestic Theatre dall’8 al 10 novembre per poi spostarsi a Pechino ed in altre città l’anno prossimo. Jane Zhang introduces “Love Under The Stars” […]
Jane Zhang ospite al 10° anniversario dei Marvel Studios [read english version] Jane Zhang ospite di spicco ai festeggiamenti della Marvel per celebrare il decimo anniversario dei Marvel Studios. In questi giorni in Cina, come nel resto del mondo, tra l’altro c’è una grande campagna promozionale per il prossimo film Marvel: “Avengers: Infinity War – […]
Jane Zhang guest on the 10th anniversary of Marvel Studios [read italian version] Jane Zhang prominent guest at Marvel celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of Marvel Studios. These days in China, as elsewhere in the world, there’s also a great promotional campaign for the upcoming Marvel movie “Avengers: Infinity War – Part I“.
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