
Jane Zhang ospite al 10° anniversario dei Marvel Studios

Jane Zhang ospite al 10° anniversario dei Marvel Studios [read english version] Jane Zhang ospite di spicco ai festeggiamenti della Marvel per celebrare il decimo anniversario dei Marvel Studios. In questi giorni in Cina, come nel resto del mondo, tra l’altro c’è una grande campagna promozionale per il prossimo film Marvel: “Avengers: Infinity War – […]

Jane Zhang guest on the 10th anniversary of Marvel Studios

Jane Zhang guest on the 10th anniversary of Marvel Studios [read italian version] Jane Zhang prominent guest at Marvel celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of Marvel Studios. These days in China, as elsewhere in the world, there’s also a great promotional campaign for the upcoming Marvel movie “Avengers: Infinity War – Part I“.

To Be Loved by Jane Zhang

To Be Loved by Jane Zhang [read italian version] The year was 2006, Jane Zhang had recently become famous for having participated in the 2005 TV show “Super Girl“, where she finished in third place by gaining, right away, the still widely used today nickname of “Dolphin Princess“.

Jane Zhang To Be Loved

Jane Zhang To Be Loved [read english version] Correva l’anno 2006, Jane Zhang era da poco diventata famosa per aver partecipato alla trasmissione televisiva “Super Girl” del 2005, che era una competizione canora nella quale si piazzò al terzo posto conquistandosi, fin da subito, il soprannome ancora oggi molto diffuso, di “Dolphin Princess”.

Jane Zhang at Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show: a Supergirl among the Supermodels

Jane Zhang at Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show: a Supergirl among the Supermodels [read italian version] Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, like saying the “fashion show” par excellence. Every year the most anticipated international fashion show is presented in a different location, renewing itself from time to time regarding the organization but remaining faithful to some of […]

Jane Zhang al Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show: una Supergirl tra le Supermodel

Jane Zhang al Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show: una Supergirl tra le Supermodel [read english version] Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, come dire lo “spettacolo di moda” per eccellenza. Ogni anno la più attesa manifestazione internazionale del settore della moda viene presentata in una location differente, rinnovandosi dunque di volta in volta dal punto di vista dell’organizzazione […]