
The Jane Zhang disco music in 2010

The Jane Zhang disco music in 2010 [read italian version] On February 2, 2010 is the release date of the album “Believe in Jane” (我相信) produced by ShowCityTimes and distributed by Universal Music label. In this work, the Dolphin Princess bets, for the first time, on tracks with a considerably faster rhythm than those published […]

La disco music di Jane Zhang (Best Asian Artist 2010)

La disco music di Jane Zhang (Best Asian Artist 2010) [read english version] Il 2 febbraio 2010 è la data di pubblicazione dell’album “Believe in Jane” (我相信) prodotto da ShowCityTimes e distribuito con etichetta Universal Music. In questo lavoro la Dolphin Princess scommette, per la prima volta, su brani dal ritmo considerevolmente più veloce rispetto […]

To Be Loved by Jane Zhang

To Be Loved by Jane Zhang [read italian version] The year was 2006, Jane Zhang had recently become famous for having participated in the 2005 TV show “Super Girl“, where she finished in third place by gaining, right away, the still widely used today nickname of “Dolphin Princess“.

Jane Zhang To Be Loved

Jane Zhang To Be Loved [read english version] Correva l’anno 2006, Jane Zhang era da poco diventata famosa per aver partecipato alla trasmissione televisiva “Super Girl” del 2005, che era una competizione canora nella quale si piazzò al terzo posto conquistandosi, fin da subito, il soprannome ancora oggi molto diffuso, di “Dolphin Princess”.

To Be Loved

To Be Loved. Pubblicata il 11/10/2006. Album “The One”. Autori: Denis Rich, Toby Gad, Jane Zhang. Huayi Brothers Music